Vlad GheorghitaWhy Angular 14’s new inject() function is so amazing?As you have probably already read, Angular 14 shipped some very interesting features: typed forms (which can still be improved, see how…Aug 10, 202210Aug 10, 202210
Lakin MohapatraHow I optimized messy angular codebase and reduced page load time by 10xAs a passionate coder, I always look for opportunities to optimize my codebase, followed by more research and learning. I recently had the…Oct 31, 20219Oct 31, 20219
InRise EngineeringbyDeepinder SinghHow We Managed to Shed 300kb of Moment.Js Size in AngularHave you ever worked with dates in Javascript? If you did, you might have googled how to format them, and most of the answers on…Oct 8, 20212Oct 8, 20212